Monday, April 21, 2008

Rock Climbing

On Sunday we spent the morning/early afternoon at Garden of the Gods. We all had an absolute blast! The boys climbed up, down, and around a bunch of the rocks. At one point Carter just decided the best way would be to slid down a rock on his bottom. I made the mistake of putting them in their Crocs, which don't have the best traction. Tyler still did a very good job balancing himself and walking up and down the rocks. His favorite part was walking thru cracks in the rocks that only small children could fit thru. Needless to say they boys were pretty dirty when we left. Unfortunately I forgot my camera (again!) but we will be going back again soon I am sure. When Tyler woke up from his nap he told Justin "I had fun climbing the rocks, mommy helped me".

Today has also been a very good day so far. Tyler is listening so much better these past few days. I know its only time til the next phase will hit, but I am enjoying this time while its here. Carter is working on number 4 of his one year molars right now. He is not eating very much and is a little crankier than usual. Next up will be his 4 incisors and then we should have a break from teething for a bit until the two year old molars come in. I hope it will be a long break! We have also been enjoying the Spring weather. In Colorado this means it will probably snow next weekend so we are playing outside every chance we can while the sun is here.

1 comment:

Kaci said...

Gotta enjoy the good days or we'd never make it through the bad ones, right?