Sunday, July 13, 2008

Greeley Trip

This weekend we had a mini college reunion of sorts when Justin, the boys, Heather, Steve, Melissa, Leah, and Seth all headed up to Greeley. We had such a great time seeing everyone again. We headed out around 2:00 and picked Steve and Justin up from work. I kept the boys up all morning hoping they would nap in the car all the way to Greeley. They woke up when we got to the boys' office. However they did great in the car the rest of the way.

When we got to Greeley we drove around some looking at how the campus has changed, checking out the old places we all have lived (boy do they look run down, but I think they always did), and just reminiscing. We then headed over to Roma's - a favorite place for cheap food and drinks. It was now 6:00 and the boys hadn't eaten since 12:30. Amazingly they did great and even sat nicely eating snacks while we waited for our food (Roma's isn't known for quick service). Even better Tyler was still dry and went potty right away when we got there. At Roma's we were joined by Lindsay, Luke, Ben, Rachel, Kyle, and the Rose's. We all laughed so much and had just a great time hanging out - just like old times.
At around 9:00 we headed over to Steve's parents house to put the boys to bed. They boys went right to sleep with no issues and the Stillmans were nice enough to watch them sleep while we went to Old C's. We hung out some more and then made plans for the next day. Justin and Steve went golfing in the morning and the boys woke up around 6:30. I tried to keep them occupied and quiet in our room til 8 so that everyone else could sleep. They once again did great! We finally went downstairs, played some had some breakfast and then headed over to Lindsay's apartment.

Carter fell asleep on the way over so we let him sleep some and waited for Mike, Alexa, and baby Jade to join us. From there we headed over to the UC center to see if the all the college guys' picture was still on the wall of them painted up at a football game(it was ) and got the boys their own UNC football. We were then headed off to Albertos for some good Mexican food (yes all we did on this trip was eat).
Towards the end of lunch the boys were getting antsy so we headed over to Glenmere park (where Justin proposed) and watched ducks, threw the football around, and just laid in the grass. We then headed off to campus once more to walk around. Tyler took about a 45 minute nap in the stroller at this time (his first one all day) and Carter really seemed to enjoy being out of his stroller and walking around with everyone. We ended the trip with another stop at Old C's for dinner and finally left around 9:30. We could not be more proud of how the boys behaved. The only time we even heard them protest was at the beginning of Old C's, but once their pizza came they were fine again. Considering they were off their schedules, in new places, eating at odd time and not taking naps I was very impressed. And even better Tyler did not have a single accident the entire time!

1 comment:

Kaci said...

I'm such a putz - I didn't even ask you about the trip. Glad to hear it went well.