Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 Weeks

Yesterday Oma came over and watched the boys while I went to my 10 week appointment. All is well the baby number 3, and I got to hear the nice little heartbeat. My morning sickness is still pretty bad, but I am hoping that within a couple weeks it will start to subside. The big ultrasound will be in 8 weeks and hopefully we will find out if I need to change the name of the blog or not.

The boys had a great time with Oma and then had a blast with Opa at the mall last night while my mom and I did some shopping. Carter has been a little out of sorts today. I am not sure if his teeth are hurting him (he is finally getting his 2 year molars in) or if he isn't feeling good, or just really tired. But at 10 a.m he was crying for a nap, after an hour of still crying I finally gave in and let him sleep without him even having lunch. He was asleep with 5 minutes. Hopefully after nap all will be well again. Justin and I are hoping for a much needed date night!

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