Monday, November 16, 2009


It has been pretty busy around here. With Justin working more for the Gazette, the boys busy with all their activities, I am busy with church work, and then throw in a snow storm and I get behind on the blog. Here are just some tidbits from the past few days.
  • Tyler has a new favorite thing to do. Make his own peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. He wants to make one everyday for himself for snack and usually asks Carter if he can make him one too. He does a pretty good job from slicing the bread, to spreading on the jelly and peanut butter, to remembering to use a paper towel. Along the independence lines he is also starting to clean himself during bath time. I can't believe how big he is getting.
  • You would think with the new found independence the whining and tantrums would be on the wayside. Unfortunately they seem to be stronger than ever. That combined with Tyler's new attitude and talking back, its been a long few days.
  • I don't think I ever mentioned it, but both boys had sinus infections all last week. They also (thankfully) got their H1N1 shots. They waited patiently outside with me for two hours before the cl inc opened. I was very proud of their behavior and others in line commented on well it was as well. Once they opened the clinic and the line started moving Carter started screaming. He kept screaming until the shots were over (he didn't want his shots). Luckily it only took them 30 minutes to get the 150 people in front of us their shots.
  • Carter's imagination is coming out in full force lately. He is always playing pretend with Tyler. They play animals a lot. Tyler is always the mommy animal and Carter is the baby animal. They also play fire fighters, zoo keepers, and transformers. They have no idea what transformers are, but they play it anyway.
  • Along the lines of transformers, today at church they were both building legos. I asked them what they were building and they told me transformers guns. I told them that we don't play guns, especially at church. Tyler informed me that they were nice guns and they don't spray things. I am glad they still don't have an idea what guns are.
  • I let the boys watch Tarzan the other night. Tyler really liked all the animals in it. Carter seemed to like it, but also got scared in some parts and sad in some parts. One thing that really stood out though was how much Carter paid attention. Tarzan was fighting the cheetah and once he finally killed the cheetah Carter shouts out "He did it!"
  • Tyler is doing well in school He still has some issues with wrestling during recess time. However his teacher tells me he is doing a lot better with keeping his hands to himself during the time they are in class. Hopefully soon it won't be an issue at all.
So there are some tidbits from the last few days. I will try to stay up on the blog better not that the next few weeks should be a little less busy. And even more importantly I am going to try to take more pictures - this blog has been lacking of those lately. We did take the boys pictures at the mall this weekend so the boys picture is from that.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

You know, today I noticed how well Carter was verbalizing his wants/needs. I was really proud of him, but forgot to mention it to you! It was nice change compared to the impulsive grabbing and fighting that you would usually see at that age. He was telling everyone exactly what he wanted!