Saturday, December 26, 2009

Telling my Fam

Justin and I decided we would tell Oma and Opa since they were out here. So on Christmas Eve, after the boys opened their one gift and we started a movie for them, we gave Oma and Opa a box. Inside the box was a picture of the ultrasound. They were very happy and excited for us and told us they wold be happy to come out in August when the baby is due. Today while we were all at Todd and Jessie's for Christmas I wasn't feeling my best. We decided we should probably tell everyone else because of that. So as we were all in the kitchen Justin tells everyone they need to keep their girl stuff just in case we need it. Once again everyone was very excited. We are still a little nervous and taking it one day at a time, but its hard for me not to look ahead and get excited for this new little gift of ours.

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