Monday, April 26, 2010


Tyler had his end of the year conference on Friday. I am so proud of how well he is doing. He improved in everything single area. He teacher told me that academically wise he is very ready for Kindergarten. He knows all his letters and sounds (the only one in his class that knows them all), can do all the counting, number recognition, and pre-reading skills that he needs. Socially however she thinks he would benefit from another year. Which is exactly what Justin and I have been thinking, and really ever since I knew he would be a September baby I knew we would hold him a year. So next year Tyler will be going to preschool 4 days a week (Carter gets to go 2 days a week). She said that while the themes maybe the same, the activities will be different and they will get into even more pre-reading skills in his class next year so he shouldn't be bored at all (not a concern of mine anyway). He has made progress socially, but he still isn't as confident or has the skills to play with the other kids like they play. He and his teacher have had a lot of talks about how to go about talking to the other kids. The other kids have also learned that Tyler, and other kids, may do things differently, and that's fine too. He can also still be very handsy at times, which obviously the other kids don't like. Tyler has learned though, that they may not play with him because of that. The only other place we need to work on is his fine motor skills, but a lot of that will come just as he gets older and matures. In his class next year he will be one of the oldest and have a couple friends with him from his class this year. I think it will be the perfect fit and I still can't get over how much he has grown this past year. We are SO proud of you Tyler!

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