Monday, December 13, 2010

4 Months!!!

Nolan you are four months old!!! You roll from your front to back like a pro and are very close at going from your back to front. That pesky arm just gets in the way. You go to sleep at night relatively easily. You may cry for 10 minutes tops and then you are sound asleep. Which is pretty great since we can't swaddle you anymore. You go to bed around 7:30 at night, I feed you in your sleep at 10:30 and you wake up to be fed again around 6:30-7. Pretty good I say. You do wake up once or twice to get your pacifier back but those are becoming later and later each morning so hopefully you won't do that much longer. You are now eating 5-6 ounces every four hours. You usually take a good morning nap (if you are in your car seat) and then your afternoon naps are a little shorter and you have a harder time going down for them.

You love to laugh and smile! You are such a happy baby and very easy going. You love to play in your exersaucer, on your activity mat with your fish, and with the music toy Great Oma got Tyler many years ago. You also love to play the Bumble Bee tickling game and be sung too. Lately as soon as I start singing your song "Baby Mine" you start smiling and giggling. Which kind of defeats the purpose of you getting ready to fall asleep but its cute nonetheless. You love grabbing my hair and daddy's nose and you still love watching your brothers play. We can't imagine life without you at this point and can't wait to see what the next month and years bring! I love you Nolan Isaac!

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