Monday, April 25, 2011

24 weeks!

On Friday I hit 24 weeks and today I had my 24 week appointment. Everything looks great with Miss Olivia Joy (yes we have decided on her name). Her heartbeat was great, my blood pressure was great, and I am measuring at 26 cm, so a little ahead. I have gained more weight with her (19 lbs) than I did with Nolan at this point, but they are not concerned.  I also had my glucose test and should know in a couple days if I passed it or not. I am finally feeling her more regularly and Justin is feeling strong kicks now as well. I will go back in three weeks so I can have one more appointment in before we leave for Maryland. We have lots of pink things and I even broke down and bought her a pink car seat. We are very excited to have her here, but I am also trying to enjoy every minute of this pregnancy and the last few months with just my boys.

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