Saturday, October 29, 2011


The past couple weeks both of the boys had their school conferences and they are both doing great! I had Carter's first and his teacher just loves him. She is very impressed with his fine motor skills and that he knows all his letters and most of his sounds already. She says he is happy to play with everybody in the class and lives life like it his to live. I thought that was a pretty good assessment of him. There a few things to work on, like skipping and some of his numbers, but I think he will do great this year and be ready for Kindergarten next year. Couldn't be prouder of him!
I had Tyler's on Thursday. He is also doing great. His teacher says he plays with the kids and does talk in class, but he always wants to make sure he knows what he should be doing before doing it. He is excelling at reading and writing being in the top reading group right now.  He had all P+, P's and a couple PP (partially proficient). However the PP's were because they hadn't gotten to some skills yet. When he is home he amazes us with how well he can read and sound out words and how much he loves to write. I am one proud mom of my big boys!!!

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