Friday, December 9, 2011

4 months

On Sunday, Olivia turned 4 months old. It is going by so fast. She is still a super easy baby and loves to smile and laugh. And boy does she talk. I always thought my boys were pretty vocal at this point, but mane she is hardly ever quiet. She has also learned to blow raspberries. Always a fun thing. She also has no qualms to let you know when she wants some attention. If you haven't held her for a while or left her in the swing for too long she will start squealing out. I guess she already know that if you are 1 of 4 kids you have to make yourself heard.  She now sleeps unswaddled as she rolls onto her tummy as soon as you put her on her back. However she loses her pacifier or starts playing around some so its a little harder for her to fall asleep now. If we wait to long and she gets overtired she really has a hard time. Its really the only time she gets fussy though so I can't complain. She loves her big brothers, always smiling when they come by. She has started grabbing and holding toys and is pretty good at pulling her plug out of her mouth. She is working on getting it back in. Olivia is also more sensitive than the boys were. She doesn't like it if someone speaks to loud around her or if she gets knocked in the head by something (the boys wold usually giggle if this happened). So fun to watch her grow and see how already she has a little personality that's completely different than we are used to.

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