Friday, August 31, 2012


Olivia and Nolan had their one and two year check-ups. As crazy as it it at the time, I try to do them together because it just makes more sense. So I will start with Nolan. He is doing great and, while still a little behind in speech he is better than where he was. She is happy to hear he is in speech therapy however. He can now go off of whole milk onto skim and h gained weight percentile so we don't need to be as concerned about getting enough calories into him. Everything else checked out perfect as well. His stats are: 26.7 lbs, 33rd percentile; 32.5 inches tall, 9th percentile; and his head circumference is 18.1 in, 4th percentile.

Olivia also checked out just great. She is actually ahead in most areas developmentally and no worries about speech for her at all. She does have a little excema that we need to put lotion on and watch but everything else looks great. Her stats are: 18.7 lbs, 11th percentile; 28.8 inches, 34th percentile, and her head circumference is 17 in, 7th percentile.

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