Tuesday, February 5, 2013

18 Month Check-up

Olivia had her 18 month check-up and is doing great healthy wise. She is also way ahead on everything developmentally, especially speech. I guess sitting in on Nolan's speech therapy every week is rubbing off on her, or maybe its that she is a girl. I mentioned that she wants to go to the potty sometimes and her doctor told me that while some may start doing it that early, usually they only stayed interested a week or so and then move on, so if I want to wait it won't hurt her. Her stats for her 18 month appointment are: weight - 21 lbs, 27th percentile; height - 32.3 inches, 66th percentile, and head circumference 17.4 in, 8th percentile. Her BMI is 14.2 (which I think is underweight).  Blessed to have such a healthy girl!

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