Friday, January 11, 2008

Play Nice

I have mentioned before how my boys are becoming fast friends. Last night Justin and I were discussing Tyler and his quirks and how he doesn't seem to do well in social situations (he doesn't talk to anyone unless he know them very well, he doesn't really interact with other kids at church, etc). I told Justin I didn't want him to be the loaner kid in school that doesn't have any friends and is depressed. Justin simply says "he already has one". How true.

Yesterday Carter decided to dump all the puzzles out. Tyler stopped what he was doing to go do the puzzles. We have about 10 puzzles or so and the pieces were all intermingled. Carter would hand Tyler a puzzle piece and Tyler would say "Thank you Carter". If it wasn't a piece of the puzzle he was currently doing Tyler would say "nope" and put in in its own pile for later.

It warmed my heart to see this. 1., because Tyler was using such great manners. For every single piece he would say "thank you Carter" even if it wasn't the piece he needed. 2., because they were playing so nice together. They were sharing and solving a problem together. I don't think much else would have made that 10 minutes any better.

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