Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hot, Hot, Hot

We went to the park today for a playgroup and it was soo hot. The boys didn't even want to go down the slide because they were to hot. So we walked around the park over to where some construction is going on. The boys loved watching the diggers, tractors, and bulldozers. It was a lot of fun, even if it wasn't the normal day at the playground. When Justin got home Tyler talked about the trucks with such enthusiasm - its so fun to have actual conversations now.

After naps it was much cooler so we spent a good part of time hanging outside playing, As usual Carter was in the sandbox and Tyler was throwing the baseball around. After baths we let the boys stay up a bit and watch some of the NBA finals. Tyler decided he wanted to play basketball instead and boy did he. He really hasn't been interested at home in a while so it surprised both Justin and I went he was shooting 5 feet back with at least a 50% accuracy. He was also trying to dribble the ball. Its amazing what they pick up. Carter was sitting on the couch with us and always clapped for Tyler and kept saying "good shot". Life is good today.


nancy said...
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Kaci said...

I love that pic - it looks like little boy heaven!