Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Just some tidbits from the past few days of the happenings around the house:
  • Tyler has once again decided he doesn't want to go potty in the toilet. He has now decided the best place to go potty is on our couch (3 times in the last 4 days). Of course if the couch doesn't work for you the floor, his booster chair at the table, and his Sesame Street ride-on toy also work just as well. We are back to rewards for pottying in the potty. Lets hope this phase ends quick.
  • Carter has finally decided that it is not ok when Tyler takes his stuff. Usually Tyler will trade Carter one toy for the toy Carter has. Carter used to be ok with this. Now when Tyler takes something, he throws the toy Tyler has given him down, runs after Tyler, grabs him by the back of his shirt and swings around taking Tyler down. Tyler will learn quickly I think.
  • Carter is also starting to exhibit this behavior at church (not my proudest moment). I guess another boy was pushing Carter. Carter's face got all red and he pushed him back. The other workers seemed to think this was hilarious - how upset Carter got and that he wasn't going to take that from anybody. I just think it means he deserved a time out.
  • Carter is learning his colors, some letters, and talking in 4-5 word phrases now. He is becoming quite the stubborn kid knowing exactly what he wants and letting you know precisely what that is. Yesterday he was sitting on the counter while I was making dinner. He requested that "mommy put me down". Justin walked over to put him down. "No mommy down".
  • Tyler's speech is always astounding me. When we are driving in the car now he reminds me to stop at the red lights and the stop signs. He then informs me that we have to "wait til its green to go". The second the light turns green he tells me I need to go.
  • Tyler now thinks every time Carter gets hurt it means we need to go to the doctor. Carter can be a little drama king at times and a trip cause him into full sobbing mode. Tyler immediately tells me we need to bring him in. Of course when we are at the mall play area and Carter falls a good three feet he gets right up and brushes it off.
  • Tyler's memory also amazes me. We went to the zoo a few months back and right before our trip he got a new hippo shirt. I told him he should wear that shirt to the zoo since we would be seeing hippos. Now he has worn that shirt many times when we didn't go to the zoo and we have been to the zoo without him in that shirt. However yesterday he told me he wanted to go to the zoo and he would wear his hippo shirt.
  • Tyler's imagination is also coming out more and more. He likes to pretend he is Jesus. It goes something like this: "I am Jesus. Jesus walks on water. Jesus eats at the table. Hippos play in the water. Lets go to the zoo".

So there you have it - what its been like the past few days in our house. The good, the bad, and yes even the smelly (I think its time for a new couch).

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