Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Hard Days

I am not quite sure what is going on with Tyler right now, but its been a couple of very rough days. The weekend was nice and busy. Saturday morning Justin and I had a class at church and then a wedding. Grandma and Grandpa came to babysit during the wedding. The boys had a great time, they went to the airport to run around the terminal and watch the planes and then went to eat, where they did great at the restaurant. They also did great at church that morning. Sunday we really didn't do much. Then came Monday.

Tyler did well at church Monday morning, and as usual fell asleep on the ride home. He then, instead of continuing his nap as he always does, woke up and wouldn't go back to sleep. So he got a 15 minute nap. This has happened before and while it makes him a little cranky its nothing we can't deal with. We had some great friends driving thru town so shortly after I returned home they came over. Eric, who is the minister who married us, Sindy, their son Sam and daughter Dani just hung out and the kids played. This is when chaos ensued. Tyler had meltdown after meltdown. If his fire truck's ladder wouldn't go up - crying, if the door to Mack came off, more crying. We went outside to let the kids run around. Tyler was pushing his lawnmower and it kept getting stuck. Complete meltdown. This one lasted probably close to a half an hour. I put him in his room as I always do, but he kept coming out and then got angry when I put him back in. He finally settled down when Justin came home and we headed out to dinner.

The boys usually do better out and about so I wasn't to worried. They did great until the food came. Then Tyler wold spill a little applesauce and begin crying. His fork was covered in applesauce so he would pick up his fork, get applesauce on his hand and cry to be wiped off. I would wipe him off and then he would pick his fork back up and it continued. Once I saw the fork was the problem we switched forks. However then his applesauce and mac and cheese were touching and his dinner was over. Once Sam was done as well and we let the boys play some Tyler was back to his regular self.

Until today. I was hoping because he didn't nap he would sleep in. Not the case, but he did just have quiet time with me in bed for a good hour. He then didn't want to have breakfast and anytime anything even bumped him he wold start screaming and crying. We went over to some friends for a playgroup this morning. Tyler did pretty well for the most part, but if someone would take something he was using or something he would go back to meltdown mode. We were playing inside and he was playing with a helicopter. The blades wouldn't stay out like he wanted them to and he kept getting frustrated. I finally took it away because he was getting so upset. He then took it and threw it. He immediately was put in time out, but he wouldn't stay there. I took him upstairs to talk to him where he began yelling and hitting again so we immediately left (which didn't make Carter happy). Tyler then didn't eat lunch - just played instead and now is once again not napping.

So after that not so nice recap I come back to where I started. I have no idea what is going on with him. I don't know if its the lack of sleep (not much I can do there) or if he doesn't feel good (he hasn't eaten much) or if its sensory (that what I think its is) or the age. The meltdowns he is having remind me of where we were a year ago and how it was when he couldn't communicate with us. He is also doing other really weird things. He is regressing in potty training. Not that he is having accidents, but that he will only go with me. He won't go potty with anyone else. He has to sit and wants me to help him do everything. He is all of sudden afraid of automatic flushable toilets again - a thing he had gotten over before. I could go on and on. I know we need to get him back into some type of class, as that has helped before. I just wish I knew what else to do. I think it must be a combination of everything, but with all the meltdowns and the lack of naps I am losing my patience. Which I hate doing and I am not being the best example to Tyler to what you should do when you are upset. I guess we just need to hope tomorrow will be better.


Shannon said...

Oh, Meredith, I'm so sorry that you're stressed! I hope that things get better. He did go potty for us once yesterday!

Deb aka Oma said...

Meredith, I so wish I were closer to give you a break on days like this one! I'm sure Tyler would be the same for me; if only Mommies got to have a time-out from the kids.:) Hang in there, honey, you're the most patient parent I've ever seen.