Saturday, October 18, 2008


Carter you are two years old! In some ways it seems that the past two years have flown by. It seems like yesterday that I was in the hospital with just you. Daddy had gone home to be with Tyler and it was just the two of us cuddling on my hospital bed. You always have loved to cuddle.
But in so many other ways I can't believe its only been two years. I have to catch myself all the time and remind myself that you are only 2. I can't remember what our family was like without you. And you have brought our family so much.

You bring so much laughter and smiles. You love to ham it up and make people laugh. You are so smiley its hard not to smile when you are around. Tyler will giggle at something you do and you will keep doing it over and over just so you can make your brother laugh. You are so sociable that you say hi to everyone you see and love to give hugs to anyone who is asking for one.

You bring us new personality. You are so determined and confident in yourself. Your favorite phrase is "I do it". From climbing into your car seat and fastening your chest plate, to washing your hands, to doing puzzles, you want to do it on your own. Most of the time you accomplish it all by yourself as well, even if it does take you a couple tries. "Try again" is another favorite phrase. You also let it known when you don't like something. However after a few minutes of screaming you are back to your smiley self. On the flip side you are also very laid back and mellow. Always going with the flow.

You bring noise! You love to sing and dance and talk. And boy do you talk! From picking it up from your brother no doubt, you have astounded everyone with the words that come out of your mouth. Complete sentences before the age of 2! Your love to make animal sounds, and ask question after question - always repeating the answer so that you will know it next time. Reading is another favorite of yours. You will sit and look at books for the longest periods of time and even better is when your brother or mommy reads to you.

You bring us adventure! You are all boy no doubt. Loving to climb, jump, and get into the mud. You have brought us our first stitches, along with many other bumps and bruises. These have never slowed you down tho. If you could be outside all day long you would be. Digging in the sandbox is where we usually find you, ad if you are not there you are either playing baseball or just running around in the grass.

And last but not least you give friendship. The bond that you and Tyler have brings tears to my eyes. You love to do whatever Tyler is doing. The conversations you have - in what sometimes seems in your own little language - always makes me smile. Most of the time you would rather hold Tyler's hand than mine. And you always look for him first before anyone else. While there are fights and disagreements, most of the time you share and get along so well.

We can not wait to see what this next year will bring. We are so proud of the little boy you have become. I love it when you cuddle with me and when you do puzzles with daddy. I even love it when you growl no at me - even tho you shouldn't! I love how you run to daddy as soon as he gets home everyday and blow kisses to me whenever I leave. We love all of you Carter and our family wouldn't be the same without you. God really did give us double blessing when He gave us you! Happy Birthday!

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