Friday, September 10, 2010

First Day of School!

Like I said, Carter was up nice and early for his first day of school. Tyler woke up around his normal time and they both went downstairs and got dressed while I made breakfast. I took a few pictures of them out front and then it was time to go. Carter actually fell asleep on the way there., however he woke up just fine when we got there. I took Tyler to his room first, thinking he would have a little of an easier time. He asked me to stay so I told him I would drop Carter off and then come back and check on him. Carter and I were then off to his room. When Carter got there he saw the other kids playing with play doh. With a quick hug and kiss to me he was off to the table. So much for maybe needing me to stay with him for a few minutes. I went to go check on Tyler who was doing just fine and gave me a thumbs up from the door. Nolan and I spent the next 3 hours grocery shopping and feeding him (I manged to keep him on schedule even with all the driving back and forth!).

When I picked the boys up I picked Carter up first. He was just starting to read a book and was not happy that I was there. He started crying and refused to come out of his classroom. I had to carry him out. I guess its better that he wants to stay rather than not be there at all. I was told however he had a great day and never once gave the teachers and attitude. Thank goodness! When I asked him what he did today he said nothing and then told me he didn't play with anybody either. Both things I know aren't true. When we picked up Tyler I was also told Tyler had a great day. He talked to his teacher and played with other kids instead of just on his own. He told me he was "being brave today". They also got to see each other on the playground which they both enjoyed. They both told me they liked school very much and were sad they didn't get to go today. I think it will be a good year!

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