Monday, September 6, 2010

School Supplies and Football

On Friday night Tyler, Carter and I had a little date night together. First we went to Five Guys for dinner (their choice) and after they behaved very well there it was off to buy their school supplies. They had a great time finding all their items and carrying them around the store. Carter however did think that the baby wipes and spoons he had to get were "boring". I had a very nice time with just my older boys and I am told Nolan did just fine for daddy at home.

On Saturday we decided to brave the heat and head to the Air Force football game. They boys got a special treat of getting to meet the bird on our way in. Once in they really liked watching the parachutes and fly overs. Tyler liked that "Uncle Todd's plane" flew over for one of them. During the game Carter got a little restless, but for the most part as long as they had popcorn they were happy to watch the game. We stayed until after the halftime show and then headed home where the boys fell asleep immediately in the car. Nolan slept the entire game in either Justin or my arms. All in all a great day.

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