Monday, August 12, 2013

First Day of School

The boys had their first day of school! I can't believe I had a first grader and second grader. The boys get to ride the bus this year which they are very excited about. Opa and I walked to boys to the bus stop and Justin drove behind us. Oma stayed behind with the babies. The boys got on the bus just fine and didnt seem nervous at all. Opa went home and Justin and I followed the bus to schools. The boys got off the bus and knew just where to go. They happily stood in line and then in with their classes. Justin and I then went to a new parents meeting where we got introduced to the principal and got to ask any questions we had. When the day was over I picked the boys up from the bus stop They said they did fine finding thier bus and bth said they had great first days. We went out to eat that night to celebrate both Nolan's birthday and their first day of school. Here is to another successful year!

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