Monday, April 27, 2009

Thank you

Justin and I just want to thank everyone for their love, support, and prayers during this time. The number of messages, flowers, gifts, etc have been overwhelming. My procedure went well and I should be able to go back to work this week. Oma also drove down here to spend time with us and is helping us around the house and with the boys. So we are doing pretty well, processing everything, and laughing with our boys at every chance. Thank you again!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Sad Post

For those of you who reads my blog who don't know yet I am sad to say that we found out yesterday that we lost the baby. I went in for some spotting (which is pretty normal for me) and they couldn't find a heartbeat. They believe the baby stopped developing a couple weeks ago as I was 13 weeks 3 days and it was measuring 11 weeks 1 day. I have surgery (a d&c) tomorrow morning. So far we are holding up ok and a large part of that is because we have two great blessing in Tyler and Carter who are always making us smile. I hope to get back to posting soon (baseball games and our trip to St Louis) but for now we could use your thoughts and prayers.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

12 Weeks

On Sunday I hit 12 weeks into this pregnancy, which means I am finally feeling better and almost into the 2nd trimester, and it also means that my stomach has popped out. However I still look a little silly in maternity clothes. Here is a belly picture. I don't have one to compare to the boys, as I didn't take any with them until 16 weeks. I am showing a little sooner with this one.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone! We had a very quiet enjoyable Easter. After church (which the boys loved finally getting to where their Easter shirts) we came home and let the boys play the games they got for Easter. Then a quick lunch and some nap and it was onto the egg hunt. Next year we will have to make it harder as Tyler found all of them pretty quickly. The boys so far are following the rule of one egg a day (with 5 jelly beans in it). However Carter, after finding an egg, would open it and eat the jelly beans instead of just putting the egg in his bucket. After the second time I stepped in and made him stop eating all the candy. Of course it wouldn't be Easter in Colorado without some snow. It was quiet pretty and came down in big heavy snowflakes which they boys loved to watch.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Planes and Eggs

The boys ask frequently to read the "friends" book, or the blog book from last year. Every time they read it they ask to go back to where the planes are, or Focus on the Family. Today we went and the boys had a great time. Tyler mostly wanted to be in the plane and he told me great stories about putting things in the plane before it was ready ti take off. Carter wanted to spend the majority of his time in the puppet room. He was very content to stand on the stage and see himself on t.v.

Tonight we dyed Easter eggs. This means a lot of patience for the boys - first we had to boil them, then they have to wait as the egg sits in the dye and then they have to wait for them to dry. All in all they did very well. Tyler likes the purple eggs and Carter likes the blue ones. However neither of them liked eating them. Of course that doesn't mean that they don't keep asking to try other ones, you know in case a different colored one tastes better.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Cute Kids

There are so many times I look at the boys and just have to laugh. Last night Tyler was playing his guitar and Carter had the microphone. Tyler went over to Carter and asked to use the microphone. He then says into the mic "I am going to see a song. Thank you very much!" and then starts rocking out on his guitar. No idea where he got that from, but it was funny.

Carter decided he wanted to read some books...what better place than a laundry basket. Upon further inspection, he was reading the book upside down - however he knew the story well enough that he was reading it to himself nonetheless. (I know the pictures are opposite, but by the time I had my camera they changed what they were doing).
Then at church today I was in Carter's class. He wanted to put on every dress we had in the room for dress up. Once he was all dressed up he told everyone he was an angel. Priceless.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

10 Weeks

Yesterday Oma came over and watched the boys while I went to my 10 week appointment. All is well the baby number 3, and I got to hear the nice little heartbeat. My morning sickness is still pretty bad, but I am hoping that within a couple weeks it will start to subside. The big ultrasound will be in 8 weeks and hopefully we will find out if I need to change the name of the blog or not.

The boys had a great time with Oma and then had a blast with Opa at the mall last night while my mom and I did some shopping. Carter has been a little out of sorts today. I am not sure if his teeth are hurting him (he is finally getting his 2 year molars in) or if he isn't feeling good, or just really tired. But at 10 a.m he was crying for a nap, after an hour of still crying I finally gave in and let him sleep without him even having lunch. He was asleep with 5 minutes. Hopefully after nap all will be well again. Justin and I are hoping for a much needed date night!