Monday, February 22, 2010


Justin has been at the state wrestling meet with the computer, hence the lack of blogs. The boys miss him when he is away. Here is Carter helping daddy when he was doing some writing from home.

On Sunday we were getting ready to run errands. I overheard the boys talking about whose car they would take, Tyler's or Carter's. They then told me that they were at Tyler's house. It wasn't Carter's house. Carter was just a friend that was over to play. They didn't want to be brothers, just friends. Very sweet.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Telling the Boys

Last Thursday we went out to dinner. I had hit exactly 13 weeks and since Nana and Bapa were coming the next day we figured we should tell the boys. They were very excited and came up with thing we would need to do or get for the baby. Tyler once again thinks its a girl and Carter wants a brother. Carter offered to give his pull-ups to the baby and was somewhat concerned of where the baby would sit at our dinner table. Since then they love to give the baby kisses and hugs. I still get nervous from time and time and am anxiously awaiting feeling this little one kick to help my nerves. In good news however on Monday morning I woke up feeling a lot less sick than usual. While I still feel sick its not as constant. Today I can say I have my energy back as well which is very welcomed.


Now that all family has been told and we are starting to feel safer in letting people know, I figured I should announce it on my blog as well. I am happy to announce that I am 13 and half weeks pregnant! We are very excited. My doctors have been great as I am a little paranoid this pregnancy so I have already had two ultrasounds and gotten to hear the heartbeat a couple times. I have been keeping a private blog of this pregnancy that I will start adding it to this blog, just so that they are all in one place. While we are in the safe zone now, as we all know anything can happen so of course your thoughts and prayers are always welcome. We are so excited to meet the newest Pederson!

Valentine's Weekend

Nana and Bapa came up this weekend and brought cousin Noah with them! All the boys had a lot of fun playing together. We also watched the beginning of the Olympics and the boys cheered "Go USA!" as loud as last time. Tyler however was hoping to see some swimming or running. He decided speed skating was pretty cool too though. The boys also had fun going to Costco with Nana and Bapa and playing with puppy Max. On Sunday Nana and Bapa watched all three boys, and braved taking them out to dinner, so that Justin and I could go out. It was a very nice time. On Monday they left in the morning, which I think the boys were ready for based on the number of tantrums. Of course Carter cried when they left and Tyler refused to say goodbye. Justin had the day off so we then took the boys to the park. Tyler was so independent and just ran around, without a care of where Justin and I were. He did listen every time we called him back however. Carter climbed every possible like usual. We had a quiet night and a great family weekend!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Love Fest

Today has been one of those days where to the boys nothing is better than each other. It started this morning when Tyler was writing out his valentine's for his class party on Friday. And yes he wrote every single name himself - even Mrs. Obernesser - and I was very proud of him. He then wanted to make one for Carter as well. Well once he was done writing them the boys both went downstairs to make each other "surprises". The other one hid while the other worked on the surprise. Carter made a very big tower for Tyler out of legos and Tyler made Carter a bathtub out of his wood with his workshop. Very sweet indeed. Then nap time came around. Usually they are in different rooms so Carter can get some nap in and Tyler can have quiet time. When I went up there to check on them I found they were both playing in Carter's room. Usually I would separate this but they were playing so well I let them be. I later learned they built a zoo together. They actually played nicely together for the full hour and half quiet time, quietly in their room! Right now Tyler is outside playing in the snow and Carter is actually asking to join him. Life is good.

Monday, February 8, 2010


We got a couple inches of snow last night so of course as soon as quiet time was over Tyler wanted to be in the outside. Usually Tyler goes and plays for a while til he gets cold and wants to come in for hot cocoa. Amazing this almost always happens right when Carter wakes up so he gets hot cocoa even though he never stepped outside. If I do try to get Carter outside it only lasts a few minutes before he is ready for his hot cocoa. I can never get over how different my boys are. Anyway here is a cute picture of Tyler, He had just finished eating some snow - one of his favorite things to do in the snow.

First Field Trip

This is a catch-up post since it almost happened two weeks ago at this point. Anyway Tyler had his first field trip with his preschool class and I got to be a helper! I was so excited to get to go with him. Even better was that they let Carter come along as well. The field trip was a walking field trip to Old Chicago's. The kids each had their own dough and then got to put on the sauce, cheese, and pepperoni. They then cooked them all and they got to eat the pizza they made. The kids had a wonderful time, although Tyler was upset after school that he didn't get to be in his classroom very much. At least I know he loves school. Carter also had a fun time being one of the big kids, and like usual he fit in just fine. I had a blast seeing Tyler interact with his friends at school and getting to be the parent volunteer. They have another field trip coming up in a few weeks and I think I am more excited than Tyler!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A Carter Funny

So I am once again WAY behind on the blogging. I will try to be better this month. Carter is always saying funny things but this really made me crack up. He was playing with Justin's tape recorder, that he isn't suppose to touch.

"Hello everybody! I am Carter Pederson. Actually I am Carter James Pederson. My mommy and daddy tell me not to touch things, but I do that anyway. Alright Bye bye."

At least we know he is listening.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Thump, Thump

I has my 12 week appointment yesterday. Justin took the day off to go with me while Tyler was in school and Carter was at church. I haven't gained any weight since my 6 week appointment so so far my total weight gain is still at one pound. They aren't too concerned right now about it, but kept mentioning they had medicine I can take for my morning (or really all day) sickness. It took her a little bit, but they found the baby's heartbeat and let us listen to it for a little bit of time. She knew we were nervous and it was a wonderful sound to hear. We are more comfortable with telling more people now so we will start that this week. The boys still need to be told as well, but we might hold it off a little longer since 7 months is a pretty long time to wait for their new sibling to arrive. We also got to schedule our 20 week ultrasound which will be on March 22nd. Very excited!