Sunday, April 29, 2012


We are still dealing with Nolan getting sick a lot. He had yet another ear infection and he gets these random fevers. At first we thought he had allergies, but we went and got him tested and he isn't allergic to anything. Our next guess is that he maybe getting sick from the toddler room at the church because there are just so many kids in that room that put everything in their mouths. I will no longer be working at the nursery and in the summer we are not there nearly as often so we are hoping he will be feeling better soon (and if his nose would stop running for a day I would be over the moon).


Carter had his end of the year conference for Pre-K. His teacher just raves about how smart he is and how he comes up with his own ideas and opinions on things he is learning. He still has excellent fine motor skills and is doing everything he should be doing. No doubt he will do great in Kindergarten next year. He does show the "drama" side of him at school sometimes (getting upset when something isn't perfect and not always wanting to do what he is told) but he will go and do everything and usually be respectful about it. I am sure that he will mature more this summer that won't be an issue next year. The best thing I loved hearing though is how he stands up for his classmates. If he sees his friends being mean or something to other kids, he will tell them not to do that. Makes this mama proud. Can't believe he will be in school all day in three short months!

Oma and Opa time

Oma and Opa came out for a week while the Space Symposium was in town. Once again the kids loved spending time with them. They got to go to breakfast, do some shopping, Oma picked Tyler up from school, and Justin and I got a nice date night while they watched all 4 kiddos for us. We always have a great time when they come and are sad to see them leave. Hopefully we will see them this summer, and if not then for sure this fall! Love you Oma and Opa!


Tyler and Carter still are great friends along with brothers. While they do bicker, you always know they also love each other. We were practicing riding our bikes around the park. If one of them fell down, the other would stop riding run over and make sure they were doing ok. Then they would help each other up. Its moments like these when my heart just swells. Life is good.


We had a very nice Easter. I had to work at the church in the morning, so Justin got all the kids ready and met me there. The older boys went into the service with me and did great during it. We came home and gave the boys their Easter baskets. Tyler got a new helmet for his bike and we got Carter a new bike, as his was too small for him. Nolan got a bunch of sand toys for the new sandbox that Justin built for him. We then did an egg hunt, grilled for dinner, and just enjoyed a nice family day. He is Risen!


Over Spring Break the boys had swimming lessons everyday. They both did better at the lessons, but neither of them passed their level (Tyler in level 2, Carter in level 3). Tyler was still nervous on his back, but was now putting his face in. We put them in for 10 more lessons after spring break twice a week. They are almost done with those, but they are doing great! Once again something clicked with Tyler and now he swims on his front side, kicking his legs, putting his whole face in, and using his arms. He is also now floating on his back on his own. His teacher seems to think as of now he will move up to level three no problem. Carter is also doing great, working on the breast and back stroke and learning to tread water. He still needs to work on his endurance and go the whole length of the pool before he can pass, but still doing great. So impressed with both of my swimmers!

8 Months

The Little Miss is 8 months (and now almost 9 months). She is cruising everywhere and starting to stand without holding onto anything, She loves to eat any food we give her and babbling all the time. Her favorite thing to say is mama. She is getting a lot better at naps. If we are at home she will take one long morning and one long afternoon nap. However she still naps great on her car seat, as most days we are not at home all day. She loves to play with her brothers and loves to climb the stairs (although she can't go down them yet). Changing her is always a chore as she does not sit still for even the few seconds it takes to change her diaper. She loves to find anything on the floor and put it in her mouth and loves to climb into cabinets and throw all the contents out of them. Olivia is such a joy and even after 8 months its still hard to believe that she is our daughter! We love you Livi Joy!

Tyler Update

Tyler is getting bigger and bigger everyday. We got his third quarter report card and he is still doing just awesome in school. He really hasn't had any issues so far, which is just great! He is reading more and more everyday as well and its so fun that I can know say "go read a book to Nolan" and he can! He is also just getting older on his own. Tyler has always been a kid who does things when he feels he is ready to do them. We bought the boys bunk beds a year and a half ago. He was never comfortable enough to sleep on the top bunk. We tried and tried to get him to sleep up there, but he would have nothing to do with it. Until one day a couple weeks ago,  when he came out of his room and told me that he had made his top bunk and got it all set up and was going to sleep up there now. He has slept up there every night since.  The same thing happened with his training wheels. While he was getting the hang of riding his bike, he still wasn't ever that comfortable on it. One day a he went outside and just practiced on his own in our grass.He came inside and asked me to watch him. I went out and he could now get on his bike and start riding on his own. That night we went to the park and let him ride more and practice his braking. By the time he had rode around the soccer fields once, he was a pro at it. He has also lost his top front tooth which just makes him look older as well. I have to give a double take every time I see him because I can't believe how big my baby is!