Sunday, August 31, 2008

Hot Balloons

We took the boys to a the balloon glow at the Balloon Classic last night. We were hoping this year would go better than last year. Last year they couldn't inflate the balloons because of lightening so they just lit the "candles". Tyler did not like this at all and kept saying "bye bye hot". Today he was excited all day long and couldn't wait to go see the "hot balloons".
As we pulled into the parking lot Justin prepped him some, telling him it may be a little noisy but it isn't scary. That was a mistake. Immediately Tyler told us he didn't want to see the balloons. After we put him in the stroller and saw them light up from the parking lot he was fine again. The boys really liked seeing all the balloons, especially the Noah's Ark one. Carter found one with stars on it right away and Tyler found another one with a horse. Tyler would help the rest of the crowd count down to when they would light them up and Carter clapped and yelled "yay" every time. We then headed over to the kids zone where they had a bunch of inflatables. But we both thought it was overpriced for something that most likely our boys would go in and then quickly come out of. So we walked around some more and headed back to the car where Tyler informed me that it wasn't that noisy. Glad you agreed. Amazingly the boys stayed awake all the way home - here they are in their carseats sitting the same way

Friday, August 29, 2008


Yesterday I couldn't really think of anything to do with the boys so we went to the zoo! Thank goodness that we got season passes, we sure are using them up. Tyler was a little disappointed that his hippo shirt wasn't clean, but I told him we would see the hippos first so that seemed to help. We got to see the hippos go into the water, although they really didn't play today.
Then we went on to the gorillas. They were cleaning the outside area, so all the gorillas were inside. The boys loved watching them up so close! The baby gorilla was swinging everywhere and doing somersaults. Tyler made everyone laugh by trying to imitate him. There was one gorilla who was sitting right by the glass. Whenever someone came and looked at him he would turn his back. Except for Carter. He and Carter stared at each other for a good minute before Carter got bored. Another little girl tried to do the same once Carter got up and the gorilla turned its back again. These boys sure have a thing with animals.

We also got to see the grizzly bear swimming, which Tyler loved, and a brand new baby tiger. The boys enjoyed riding the train and feeding the giraffes as always. They fell asleep within 2 minutes of being in the car. For going to the zoo so much they sure do enjoy it and it never gets old.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

All Grown's Up

I seem to say it a lot but everyday I see how much both of the boys are growing up. Sure they still have their moments. Carter is still the tantrum king and Tyler enjoys pretending to be a baby lately, but for the majority of the day I am amazed at the things they do and the way they act.

We went to the park the other night. Carter climbed on every single piece of equipment all by himself. My heart stopped a couple times as I saw him climb ladders that are so far above my head that I can't reach him. However he seemed to do them effortlessly. We went to dinner tonight and Carter drank out of the straw cup instead of his sippy. He didn't spill a single drop.

Bath time has always been hard for Tyler. He hates having water poured on his head. He got a little better through the occupational therapy where he would just cry during the actual pouring (instead of screaming and insisting to get out of the bath). Tonight Justin put soap in his hair. He then moved over to Carter to put the soap in his hair. At that time Tyler grabbed the cup and poured the water on his head - rinsing his own his hair! He repeated this step three more times. Justin did one final rinse without a sound from Tyler. Also today at nap time he stayed in his underwear and kept them totally dry. What a big boy he has become!

On Friday we were outside playing as usual. Tyler then starting bringing me flowers. Carter followed suit bringing me some grass. My first bouquet from my boys - and how beautiful it is. They are growing up.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Hamming it Up

Everyone loves Carter at church. The love Tyler too, but he had that whole biting problem and has a complete different personality. Carter goes up to all the workers and give them hugs every morning. He likes to hold the staff's hands. He loves to make everyone laugh.

When I drop him off in the morning he is happy to go right into his classroom. In fact he usually runs into the room. This in itself puts a smile on the staff's face. But then he giggles, talks to them, has them chase him around the room, and gives them the sweetest smile. They crack up when he eats his lunch, as he always eats everything I send and is usually double fisting.

When they go out to the playground he sees me from outside the fence and always give a little wave and points proudly telling everyone that that is his mom. He then runs and gives his big brother a big hug. Everyday the whole playground does a collective "awww".

At the end of the day, since he is usually one of the last to be picked up, he is usually playing and running around the room. He then runs to me and I get a big hug. I then always get a good report on how well he did. Carter then helps me bring the keys back to the office everyday (Tyler gets to carry the radio back). He hands them to my boss and always needs to give her a big hug. He is Mr. Popular at the nursery - but really how could anyone resist him?

Monday, August 18, 2008

Weekend in Montrose

On Friday morning we packed up the car and headed to Montrose to see Grandma and Grandpa. The boys, as always, did excellent on the car ride there. They took a nap for about an hour of the drive and sang songs and talked for the other 3.5. The boys had a blast playing with their cousins and watching the Olympics on the big screen. I didn't take a single picture unfortunately, but the boys just loves their cousins!

Tyler woke up at 4:30 on Saturday morning and then woke up Carter at 5:30 - way to early. Justin was golfing with Grandpa and Uncle Boyd so Grandma and I took the boys for a walk. Griffin came along on his bike. Tyler wanted to run so I let him run ahead on the sidewalk with Griffin. On the way back to the house I let him do the same, this time he got way ahead of me. By the time I caught up to him he was pacing back and forth in the driveway of the house up from Grandma and Grandpa's. I then noticed Griffin's bike was back at Grandma and Grandpa's. When I finally got to Tyler (it took me a while since Carter had now decided he didn't want to walk anymore and was throwing a fit) he was balling and saying "Griffin gone". I felt horrible. However he got even more upset when I made him come inside instead of getting to play outside - can you tell he was a little tired.

He played some baseball on the deck while we waited for daddy to get home - we had quite a few more meltdowns and the boys were very tired, but we wanted to take them swimming. So once daddy got back off to the pool we went. We stayed in the indoor pool, as outside was just a bit to cool. The boys loved playing in the water and fell asleep the moment we got in the car to head back to the house. The took wonderful naps too!

Late Saturday night Justin's cousin and her daughter got into town. The boys slept much better that night and we hung out with them Sunday morning In the late afternoon we headed back home. Once again the boys did great in the car. Tyler stayed dry both ways and we hardly heard any complaining. So far today hasn't been as bad transition either. The boys are very excited to see Grandma and Grandpa again in a few weeks when they come here.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

They Do Love Each Other

Justin and I were watching the Olympics and I commented on how he didn't have to go up there at all to get Tyler back in bed. So I went to check on the boys to make sure they were really asleep and Tyler was asleep but once again not in his bed. We have found him asleep on the floor two times before this. Tyler knows he is suppose to stay in bed and I know we really need to crack down on this. But honestly its hard for me to do that when I see this:
Can't deny their love for each other.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Hammerin' Away

Its finished! Last night all the boys worked together and fixed the fence. It was a pretty big job for Tyler and Carter but they did a great job and even worked very well together. They first had to take down some old posts, then they had to dig dirt, put the dirt into the dump truck, move the filled dump truck across the yard and dump it (and then repeat this process a few times) carry the fence posts over to the fence and then hammer up the new posts. Here are some pictures of their work - well done boys!

Tyler Funny

Just one of the many things that Tyler says that makes me laugh out loud. He was playing with the mop handle. At first he was using it as a crane - what he normally does with the mop.. All of a sudden he comes over and starts moving it up and down - like a plunger. I ask him what he is doing and he says "cleaning my poop". I asked him if he pooped and he responds "Jesus pooped!" Gotta love the imagination!

Monday, August 11, 2008


The boys are becoming quite the little helpers, especially Tyler. On Saturday we went to go get some posts so we could finally fix our fence. Tyler asked if he could help fix it and Justin promised he wouldn't do it without his help. Because of rain we didn't get to it Saturday night so the first thing out of Tyler's mouth Sunday morning was "I fix the fence with my hammer". We told he could help after church and nap time. Once again tho, as soon as nap time was over the rain came.

Even though we couldn't get to the fence Justin went out and cleaned up a bunch of tree limbs and weeds. Tyler then helped carry all the limbs over to me to let me cut them off. Carter saw Tyler doing this and also carried some over. When that was done he helped put them into the trash can. But first he had to "fix" them by banging them with his hammer. He was doing such a great job of helping that when the trash can was full and we couldn't fit anymore in he got pretty upset. However we promised him that after the trash men came he could help us put the rest of them in. The best part - we told him how big a helper he was being and without a second thought he says in a genuine voice "thank you". I am so proud of the boys they are becoming. Hopefully we will get to that fence tonight - its all Tyler will talk about.


I have always loved watching the Olympics and I am happy to say that the boys love it too. We let them watch some of the opening ceremonies and Tyler loved it! He loved the drums and most of all the fireworks. I think he thinks that fireworks and Olympics are the same thing.

Luckily he loved watching the "limics" even when there aren't fireworks. He now tells me that he wants to dive into the water one day. The boys are also doing a great job of shouting U!S!A!

The downside to the Olympics - tantrums when its time to turn it off. He still doesn't get that they will be back on every night for the next two weeks. And he gets so engrossed that he had two accidents yesterday. The first ones in almost 2 weeks. Right when I am about to call him totally trained he goes on the couch. I am sure I will get to announce it soon enough.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Double Take

It seems at least once a day I am shocked by something that Carter has said or has done. I think I forget how big he is getting until he does something or says something and I am giving a double take.

We were on our after dinner walk tonight and Carter as usual is pointing out every "shoop" or basketball hoop we see along the way. He also lets us know if they are broken or not. All of a sudden he starts saying "tars, tars mommy". Sure enough he was pointing to a star someone had above their garage. I had no clue he knew the shape of a star!
Carter has been able to open the fridge on his own for sometime. Before he wasn't allowed to get into himself because we would always catch him eating grapes right before dinner or right before bed leaving the fridge wide open. Recently we have let him go and get his water from the fridge himself. Whenever he goes and gets his water he also always gets Tyler's water too - can't leave anyone out. And if Tyler is gone - Carter will get me a cup of water instead.

At church my classroom is usually the first out on the playground. Carter's class is usually next and he always come running to me. Today (Tyler's first day not in my class) he comes running to me and immediately - with a concerned look on his face - asks "where's Yler" As soon as Tyler and I picked Carter up from his class he runs out of the room and runs to Tyler giving him a big hug, followed closely behind a hug for me.

And I am left giving double takes of the little boy before me.

One Day

Everyday Tyler tells me at least one thing that he will do "one day". Today was "I ride a motorcycle one day." Here is a list of some of his dreams he wants to do one day:

  • ride a motorcycle

  • ride a trash truck

  • drive a fire truck

  • ride a bus

  • ride a dump truck

  • meet mickey mouse

  • meet Winnie the Pooh

  • Meet Mater (ever since Sesame Place and meeting Elmo he thinks he will get to meet every character he likes)

  • be a fire man

  • be a worker

  • help people with their trash

  • ride a school bus

He sure does have a hefty list for an almost three year old.

Monday, August 4, 2008

Sunday School

Tyler is definitely growing up. He tells us at least three or four times a day that "I am big". He also lets us know that "Carter is little:. Today Carter informed me that he was big too. On Sunday they made it official. Tyler no longer goes to the nursery during church service - he now goes to his Sunday School class. A class in a whole new room, with teachers that are volunteers - none of which that Tyler knows. A class where it is all centered on learning about God. No free play or videos like there are in the nursery.

He loved the class, the crafts he made and the color sheets they did. He was nervous when we first got there, but as soon as he saw the lego's he was fine with mommy and daddy leaving. We get to help out in his class next week and I can't wait!

Tyler was also suppose to move up to a new class today. Unfortunately he woke up with a fever so that will be held off until Wednesday. Usually on Mom's Morning Out (MMO) days he is in room 230 with me. He is moving up to room 237 (where he is on MOPs days). The difference between the rooms is that on MMO days 237 is taught like a preschool. They learn to write their names, learn their letters, shapes, numbers, etc. This also means I won't have either of my children in a class with me - I don't remember the last time that happened. I shouldn't get used to it though, Carter will be moving up to room 230 with me in a short couple of months. They sure are getting big.

Saturday, August 2, 2008


So there I (Justin) was….minding my own business Wednesday night when it happened. Meredith asked a question I’d never imagined I would have to answer: “On Saturday, do you want to take the boys to the Butterfly Pavilion?”

Animal instinct kicked in. Like a solitary zebra on the African Savannah that’s just caught the scent of a hungry lion in the searing, hot breeze I froze in hopes that the savage beast would not see me.

Then it came again. Closer this time.

“Honey, I asked if you want to take the boys to the Butterfly Pavilion on Saturday.”
Still frozen, I glanced to my left but saw only fangs and hair. Knowing there was no chance to outrun the menace I tired diplomacy. “Do I really have a choice?”

So as we were discussing our departure time for Saturday morning I had a thought: I still have to take Tyler to a game for completing a line on his potty chart. Knowing that the Sky Sox were not in town and the Rockies would not be back in town until Monday I thought I might be able to salvage part of my Saturday. I suggested we go to the Denver Broncos training camp. We could pass it off as a football game for Tyler and kill two birds with one stone (but no butterflies, that would be frowned upon).

On the way to Denver we asked talked Tyler into putting the butterflies on hold long enough to go watch some football. When we arrived we had to take care of first things first – Tyler went potty in the port-a-potty. This chart is really working some magic with this kid. He’ll pee anywhere but his pants at this point!

We grabbed a seat on the ground (they don’t have bleachers around the practice field) behind one endzone and watched the Donkeys, er Broncos, run plays from midfield. The boy’s favorite part was the long pass plays, seeing the ball and players running towards us. Tyler told us several times that he wanted to catch a ball. But alas, being professionals, nobody overthrew their receiver by the 30 yards that would have been necessary for Tyler to have a shot at catching a ball. Later we moved to the other endzone to watch them practice their red zone offense.

As they wrapped up practice we headed out to see some butterflies and other critters. After stops to see stick bugs, bees and two inch long cockroaches the boys declined the opportunity to hold a tarantula, but did enjoy seeing mommy hold it. We checked out some starfish and horseshoe crabs and said hello to Nemo and Dorie (as far as the boys knew anyway) before reaching the marquee attraction….butterflies.

We made two trips around the pavilion; a greenhouse filled with tropical plants and humidity, as butterflies buzzed the tower repeatedly and lounged on branches and railings.

The boys really enjoyed searching through the plants and finding butterflies of all different sizes and colors. After we left the pavillion the boys climbed on a replica of a honeycomb and a rope spider web. On the way out I asked Tyler what his favorite part was. Without hesitation he said “the butterflies.”

Despite my early apprehension I had a lot of fun seeing them running around, exploring the pavilion and marveling over the butterflies and looking at the birds and turtles. We finished off with lunch before the boys fell asleep in the car on the way home. Overall it was a fun day…even it was centered on butterflies.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Is it Fall Yet?

This week has been sooo hot. The boys don't even want to be outside. We try to go to the park early and even the slides are too hot for the boys (the boys are the ones telling me its hot). They usually get to play a little after dinner each night, but that means a later bedtime. So this morning right after breakfast we threw our shoes on and went outside. They were still in their pajamas and it was barely 8 am, but they got some outside time.

The boys loved it. We got them a big toy dump truck last night so they had a blast driving that around picking up and dumping rocks. Of course baseball is always involved in outside time. Usually Carter backhands the ball when he swings. Well we found out its because he is a lefty. He holds his bat left-handed and when he swings from his left side he has a pretty good hit! He still throws and eats right-handed so maybe he will turn into a switch -hitter one of these days.

Because of the sprinklers being on last night the ground was wet as were all their toys. They had fun trying to splash in the little puddles, which just makes me wish for fall to come even more!