Saturday, August 14, 2010

Introducing Nolan Isaac!!!!

On Thursday, August 12, 2010, at 2:09 p.m. Nolan Isaac Pederson was born. He weighed in at 7 pounds 6 ounces and 20 inches long. With blue eyes and blonde hair, he is absolutely beautiful and perfect in every way. Here is his birth story.

I was suppose to go in at 8:00 a.m. to be induced, however when I called they were very busy and had no room for me. I was worried that we would have to wait all day, but within an hour they had called me back saying I could come in. We got there, got checked in and started the i.v.'s. By 9:30 the pictocin had been started and we were on our way. I was still only 3-4 cm and 50% effaced, the same I was a week earlier at my appointment. I had told the nurses I had wanted an epidural so I got that before they broke my water at 12:30. I never really felt any bad contractions, but I figured I would get it before things got worse. When Dr. Andy broke my water I was maybe a full 4 and still only 50% effaced. Dr Andy thought it still wouldn't be more than a couple hours however before he was born. At 2:00 or so they checked me and I was ready to deliver Nolan. Yep I went from a 4 to a full 10 in an hour and a half! They went to call Dr Andy and get everything else set up. The next thing we knew there were 3 extra nurses in the room, including the head nurse, they were giving me oxygen and a doctor I had never seen was brought in the room to get "the baby out of me". I had no idea what was going on. They finally told me (they were too busy to explain what was going on, not that they were trying to keep us in the dark - I had awesome nurses!) that Nolan's heart rate dropped a lot (from the 140's to the 90's) and no matter what they tried they couldn't get it back up. They even gave me medicine to stop my contractions. Finally it started going back up and with each contraction it would drop but he would recover when it was over. Just as we were discussing if the doctor I had no idea who he was should just deliver me or if we should wait, Dr Andy waltzed in. I had never been so relieved. After 3 pushes Nolan came right out. He had the cord wrapped around his neck twice, which is why the heart rate keep dropping. However he came out crying and a beautiful color pink. I got to hold him right away, Justin got to cut his cord and he stayed with us the entire time. Very nice. His apgars we 8/9 and like I said he is just perfect! Welcome to our family Nolan Isaac, we love you so much and can't wait to see you grow!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

So I guess you had a somewhat similar experience to me. This time I went from 4cm to 10cm in 1 hour maybe a little less. I was shocked that it went that fast.