Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Night Out in Georgetown

On Thursday my parents were so wonderful and took all the boys so Justin and I could have an overnight in Georgetown. We left after lunch and got to the hotel where we took a nap and got ready for dinner. We walked along the canal to go to Filomena's, an Italian restaurant we saw on the travel channel where they have pasta mama's that make the pasta homemade right there in front of you. It was delicious food and we were both beyond stuffed. We went back to the hotel so it could cool down some and we could digest the food some. The plan was to go walk around Georgetown once the sun went down, but I feel asleep and woke up 12 hours later. I think my body needed some sleep! In the morning we got ready to leave and stopped at Ben's Chili Bowl on the way out of town. I didn't have any chili, but Justin says it was good. When we got back to Oma and Opa's we were told the boys behaved very well and went to bed for them just great. Nolan woke up in the middle of the night and they were worried he would wake Tyler and Carter so he slept in Oma and Opa's bed with him.  They say they didn't mind though. The boys played outside, went and fed the horses, had some chick fil a, and got to watch a new movie. They had a blast and didn't seem to miss us at all. However I did get the best reception ever from Nolan. He just kept giving me hugs and giggling for about 10 minutes. I loved it!  Justin and I took the boys to the mall that afternoon to let them play and give Oma and Opa a break. We picked up some pizzas on the way home and then took a nice walk that night before bed.  Thanks for the break Oma and Opa!

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