Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Philly Zoo!

On Wednesday we went to the Philadelphia Zoo to meet up with my friend Shannon who moved to New Jersey last year. It was great to see her and her kiddos and the boys of course loved the zoo! On the ride there we learned the boys were old enough to play the alphabet game, which was great because the traffic was pretty bad in Philly. But we finally all met up and off we were. The zoo of course had all their favorites, hippos, lions, tigers, etc. The kids also went on a train ride and splashed in some fountains.  They also had a lot of sculptures to climb on and a kids zoo with farm animals to look at. Shannon's daughter Abby gave Justin a look onto the future of what like will be like with a daughter and boy is he in trouble. She would ask him to hold her and he couldn't resist, carrying her around half the zoo. After the zoo the boys were asleep within minutes so Justin and I took the opportunity to grab from cheese steaks (we both decided we like Gino's better than Pat's) and then we headed back to Oma and Opa's. There the boys got to tell Oma and Opa all about it a take a bath in their big jacuzzi tub with the jets on and everything - talk about a fun day!

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