Saturday, October 1, 2011

6 Years Old

First, I need to apologize that this is a week late Tyler. Things have been busy around here. I can not believe that you are 6 years old. I know I say that every year, but its true! You, once again, have grown up so much this year.

You finished your last year of preschool and started Kindergarten and you dad and I couldn't be prouder of how well you are doing in school all day long. You had more confidence than I ever thought you would when you just walked into your classroom with no problems at all. I have gotten back a progress report with how you are doing, and while I was happy to see that you are right where you should be, or not ahead in all the academic areas, I was most excited to see that you are doing great with behavior and social as well.

You still love all things sports and you have gotten so much more athletic in the last year. Two years ago we had you in PT for your tight muslces in your legs that made it hard for you to run correctly. This year you ran two .5 mile races and did it super fast. You have quite the arm when it comes to both throwing a baseball and football and you can knock the ball off the tee out of the park (or at least our backyard). You have learned how to skip and even ride your bike without training wheels.  Not to mention your wrestling tournament where you wrestled your heart out, never gave up, and got second place.

While you are starting to make new friends, you still love to come home everyday, have your snack, and then hang out with Carter. You boys have your disagreements, but for the most part you love to play together. Whether its Star Wars, jumping on the trampoline, or playing with cars, you almost always welcome your little brother to join you. You are starting to realize too I think, how much he looks up to you and are becoming more and more sensitive to him and helping him rather than tattling on him.

While Carter may still be your best friend, you are one of the greatest helpers in the world when it comes to Olivia and Nolan. You and Olivia had an instant bond it seemed. You are so happy to finally have the baby sister you have always wanted. You love to call her your "princess" and are always giving her kisses and hugs. She seems to calm down whenever you get near as well. You also love to help out with Nolan. Helping him to walk,talk,and play with him, he loves it when you are near.

Tyler you have become quite the silly boy this last year, always trying to make people laugh. You still have the most helpful attitude I know and loving heart. You have the best manners - the office ladies at school even commented to me on how great they are. You still love to make up stories and play on your own if needed to. You are learning to read and you are always eager to do your homework and go to school. Most of all though you are just a great boy and your dad and I couldn't be more proud to be your parents. We love you Tyler bug - happy birthday!!

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