Friday, February 10, 2012

6 months!

Half way to a year - no way! Miss Livi you are getting big way too fast! You have mastered getting around. Between rolling, scooting, and army crawling if you want to get somewhere you get there. You also get on all fours and rock back and forth and have started full-on crawling a little bit. You also get into a sitting position by yourself and just today (when you are just 6 days past 6 months) you pulled yourself up in your crib!!!When you are sitting up you do a great job at it and love to play this way now. You also still love your exsersaucer, but not so much your swing any more. You are eating solids like a champ and so far you seem to like everything you have tried. You also got you two bottom teeth this month and besides a lot of drooling and a couple nights of waking up, they pushed through with no issues. As far as sleep, you are still a champ. On the best days you take two long naps in your crib and then a short nap that usually happens in your car seat as we are picking up or dropping off one of your brothers. You and Nolan can now go to bed at the same time. We lay you both down in your separate cribs, give yo a little butt pat and we can walk out and you fall asleep! You don't however like to do this routine when daddy has to put you to bed himself, I think you already know he is a softie when it comes to you. The only time you get really cranky is if you get overtired and then unfortunately you just have to cry yourself to sleep - nothing else will settle you down. We try not to let this happen and get you down before you get overtired. We love you Little Livi. We love your smiles whenever we walk into the room, your giggles that you always give your daddy and brothers, and love watching you learn new things everyday. However if you want to slow down a little and stay my cuddly little baby girl a while longer I wouldn't mind. Happy 6 months baby girl!!!

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