Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Sick Boy

We have had a sick household the last couple of weeks. I though Nolan was just teething - irritable, coughing, lots of snot, and a low fever. However he got tired all the time, his fever wouldn't go away and he just wasn't acting himself so I took him to the doctor.  He was wheezing and not doing very well. They did his pulse ox, which was only in the 80's. They gave him a breathing treatment and that brought the pulse ox back to 95 so they sent us home with our own nebulizer and a RSV diagnosis. Nolan did not like the breathing treatments at all, and we had to give them to him round the clock every 4 hours,. By the end of the day I think he decided they weren't so bad and stopped fighting us as much. We had to go back the next day to recheck his pulse ox, which luckily was now in the 90's again, however now he had a double ear infection. A week later he still had a fever so he was out on yet another antibiotic for that.

Between all of Nolan's ear infections and everything Olivia also had a mild case of RSV and was put on breathing treatments, along with an ear infections for her. Luckily it wasn't nearly as bad for her, because if it was we would have ended up in the hospital. Hoping everyone stays healthy for a while now!

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