Saturday, March 31, 2012

7 Months!

Finally going to try to post all these blogs from the past month! Olivia is 7 month (almost 8) and getting so big. She climbs stairs, pulls up and is starting to cruise on everything, babbling and giggling all the time and just a real joy. She is starting to get stranger aware and at times only wants me, unless her daddy is around. She is so happy but no one can make her laugh more than Nolan right now. When we go shopping she is usually in her car seat in the big part of the cart and he sits in the seat. He turns around to see her and tickles her or play peek a boo with her and she just loves it. Of course he also hits her on occasion and she does not love that. She loves to eat all baby food and still loves her bottle. Her naps are still sporadic, but she usually takes a long afternoon one and still sleeps through the nights so no complaints there! We love having a baby girl so much and can't imagine our lives without little Livi.

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