Saturday, March 31, 2012

Nolan Update

Nolan is getting so big. He still gets in to everything, but is starting to learn some boundaries. He loves to clean up, which is nice, but at times he gets a little to obsessed with it. He loves to help and is great with getting his shoes, hats, etc. He is also starting to figure out what his naughty step is.  His speech is also coming along pretty well. It seems he gets a couple new words every week. He also finally says Mama!!! Its hard to say how many words he has however, because he will say it and then we won't hear it again for a few weeks. For my own sake here is a list of words he says consistently:
hot, hat, ball, truck, bubble, mama, grrr (for a bear), sock, he whispers woof for a dog, side (outside), walk (when he wants to walk), bye bye, milk

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