Sunday, April 29, 2012

8 Months

The Little Miss is 8 months (and now almost 9 months). She is cruising everywhere and starting to stand without holding onto anything, She loves to eat any food we give her and babbling all the time. Her favorite thing to say is mama. She is getting a lot better at naps. If we are at home she will take one long morning and one long afternoon nap. However she still naps great on her car seat, as most days we are not at home all day. She loves to play with her brothers and loves to climb the stairs (although she can't go down them yet). Changing her is always a chore as she does not sit still for even the few seconds it takes to change her diaper. She loves to find anything on the floor and put it in her mouth and loves to climb into cabinets and throw all the contents out of them. Olivia is such a joy and even after 8 months its still hard to believe that she is our daughter! We love you Livi Joy!

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