Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tender hearts

My big boys have always had the sweetest hearts. We were watching some show on the disney channel and the story was about the family moving to a new house. The mom wanted to move, but the kids didn't. At the end of the show they show the mom having a flashback of bringing all her babies into their house and then she decided she didn't want to move either. As a mom it did get me a little teary eyed I must say.However I look over to Carter as the show is ending and he looks so sad. I ask him what's wrong and he says 'nothing".I ask him again and he bursts into tears telling me he doesn't want to move. Now we are no where near thinking about moving so I am not sure where that came from. Tyler then also starts crying saying he doesn't want to move. They both go on and on for about a half an hour, with no convincing on our part that everything will be ok. My favorite lines that they said during this time were Carter saying "what if I forget to pack my light sabre" and "now I can't marry Kendall (a girl from his class)" and Tyler "now I won't be with Rene (a boy from his class)". I love how sweet they are, and why yes we will be moving one day, I love to hear that they love our home.

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