Saturday, June 30, 2012

Speech Update

Nolan had his 6 month evaluation since starting speech and he us doing great! He now has about 55 words and is starting to put 2 word phrases together. The minimum they would like is 50 words at 2, which means he is where he should be! He still has some issues imitating what we are doing. If I repeat a sound over and over again he can't always repeat what I am doing, even though we see him trying to. Its when he has to think about it that he has a harder time. He also like to take the easy way out. When he does puzzles with the therapist and she asks do you want the pig or the cow, he will just say "dis one" or "dat"  and point instead of the animal name. So he is still getting therapy once a week at our house but I am loving his improvement so far, as is his therapist.

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