Saturday, August 4, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday!

Happy 1st Birthday Livi Joy! It seems like yesterday that you came into this world. It was such a special time with Oma being there and my first birth without complications, which just meant I got to hold you a really long time before they even worried about cleaning you off. You were breathtakingly beautiful from the start. Everyone commented on it. And while you are still so beautiful, even more is your sweet personality.

You make the cutest facial expressions that even on the worst days makes everything seem right. You love to crinkle your nose and do the stinker face, and you love to stick out your lips and do the duck face. Both always make us laugh. You love it when we come into your room after nap time or in the morning. You just smile and giggle and get on your feet as fast as you can.

You love to eat. And there isn't much food you don't like. You dropped your bottle and went to milk in a sippy cup with no issues at all and you would sit in your highchair all day if we let you. However you are still so tiny and petite. It must be from all your running around. Yes you are running now, and climbing on everything. Your new favorite spot is the patio table. You also love to be on the trampoline with your brothers and do you very well staying on your feet.  However you do not like to swing or be thrown in the air, and you let us know you don't like those things.

Its so fun to see how you are already so different that your brothers. You love to actually pay with toys and to put on hats and necklaces (if only you would keep a bow in your hair). You already know that the baby doll is suppose to sit in the stroller and to take it for a walk. The biggest difference is your communication. You are constantly babbling, but its amazing how much we can already understand. You also sign like you have been doing it for years.

Your favorite things - your brothers. They can make you laugh and laugh and laugh, and you have a very sweet laugh so they do it a lot. You love to be tickled, play peek a boo, and be chased around the room. The person that can make you laugh the most though is your daddy. When he comes home from work you yell daddy and run to the door and straight to him. And while you are not a big cuddler, you will let your daddy hold you for a bit and give you hugs and kisses.

You have brought us so many smiles, laugh, and plain joy Olivia. This year has been such a wonderful one because of you. We love you so much and can not wait to see you grow into the beautiful little lady I know you will be. Happy Birthday sweet girl!

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