Sunday, August 12, 2012

Two Years Old!

Happy Birthday to the sweetest two year old I know! Really Nolan, I don't know of a two year old who cares about others as much as you do. You are always willing to help clean up, clear your spot at the table without being asked, feed the dog, help me with the laundry, hold the door open for people, and get things for us. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though as you love order and know things should be a certain way. You know exactly where your milk goes in the fridge, you don't like it if there is trash on the floor, and you always sit in the same spot during speech therapy.

As much as you love order and being very considerate, you are fearless. You will jump into any pool regardless if somewhere is in the water to catch you or not. You climb on anything and everything with your monkey like grip and love to jump off of pretty much anything as well. You love to jump on the trampoline, do somersaults, ride your bike, and ride on your brothers' scooter.

Along with that fearlessness comes the most cuddly boy. We all say you give the very best hug. You rove to give bear hugs and kissed every night before bed. You love to sit in my lap when watching Sesame Street and you love to hold my hand when we go on walks. Lately you love to rock in the chair before bed while I sing you some songs, its my favorite part of my day. I hope that you are always willing to give us hugs and kisses like you do now.

You are such a great brother as well. Always making sure Livi has her milk  when you get yours out of the fridge. You also give her a hug every night as well. And when she wakes up from a nap and I tell you its time to go get her, you race up the stairs giggling and run to her crib. While you don't always like it when she takes your toys or your food, for the most part you are always willing to share and I love watching you take care of her already.

As much as you love your sisters, you would do anything to keep up with your brothers. You always want to do what they are doing. If they are on the trampoline you are on the trampoline,. If they are riding their bikes outside, you need something to ride on as well. You love it when they chase you around and giggle with delight when they tickle you or play ball with you. They think you are pretty great too.

Nolan, there are not enough words to tell you how much joy, laughter, and love you have brought our family.  From your crazy curly hair and infectious smile, to your mad face and crossing your arms when we tell you no, to you babbling away and we have no idea what you are saying to now with 3-4 word sentences, you have to be the cutest two year old ever. We love you Nolan Isaac - Happy Birthday!!!

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