Sunday, January 20, 2013

Report Cards

We got the boys 2nd quarter report cards and once again we couldn't be prouder of our boys. They are both performing at or above grade level in every subject. We did get some comments for Carter to work on his teamwork in gym, but he is working on that. Besides that they were great reports. Carter did not do as well as before on of his assessments  In the beginning of the year he was far exceeding at this skill and this time he barely made the mark. We have been talking to his teacher about this and none of the kindergartners did well on it, so they think the scores are wrong.  She is also going to start challenging him more as Carter is the type of kid who will only do what is expected of him, not more. We expect him to have a years growth and since he came in so far ahead we expect him to leave ahead of grade level as well. Hopefully with his teacher and parents on the same page now this will happen. She has already allowed him to do extra work when he finishes other things (he usually is the first one done on his work and in the past she just let him look at books, now he can go work on first grade math skills). He also is one of the first kids in the whole school to finish the math curriculum they do on the computer which we are very proud of him for.  He is a very smart kid, you just need to make him show you that. Proud of both of our boys!

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