Thursday, July 25, 2013


Surgery day came. Tyler did pretty well not eating or drinking anything all morning. His wasnt until later because he was an older kid. When we got there he was acting fine just a little nervous. He kept his bear with him the entire time. When it was time to go back, he requested his medicine smell like root bear. We didn't really squirm or anything, just went right to sleep. In about 30 minutes it was over and I was brought back to his room. I was told everything went just great. We didn't want to watch a movie or anything and i could tell he was uncomfortable. He kept saying his tummy hurt. He did eventually get sick, but after that he was much better. He got to drink a lot of juice, eat some popsicles and some jello. He pretty much slept the whole way home, but he seemed to be doing just great When we got home we actually had to tell him to settle down some. He was very excited to get to eat ice cream all week! We are very happy the surgery went well and praying for an easy recovery.

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