Thursday, September 12, 2013

3 year Evaluation

We had Nolan's 3 year evaluation for his speech. If he was still behind it would mean he would start preschool. I went in not really knowing how well he was doing. In some ways he has improved so much, but in other ways he still seems behind. He still can't count past 3, its still hard to understand him sometimes, and he has been having more tantrums than usual. He did great during his evaluation. There was a speech therapist, an occupational therapist, and a counselor there. None of them had any signs that Nolan was behind. In fact in a few areas he is ahead of where he should be for a 3 year old. We are SO proud of him! To think that 18 months ago he didn't have any words at all, and now he is right where he should be or even ahead! They also all thought that he should start preschool now. He is ready to learn and start interacting more with other kids. Plus Olivia seems to be a little ahead and they don't think they should be in the same grade. As of right now they think he will be fine being one of the younger ones in school so we are going to start looking for preschools. Very exciting!

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