Monday, October 14, 2013


We had the boys school conference. Steve and Melissa watched the kids so we both got to go and hear what the teachers had to say. As usual both boys are doing great in school. Carter is exceling in math and is actually getting pulled for enrichment. He is right where he should be and almost borderline a little below for reading so they are going to nip that in the bud and get some reinforcement in. So happy to hear that! He isn't having any issues socially and being a great classmate at school. Tyler is also doing great His teacher hasn't noticed any hearing issues at all. He also gets Math enrichment and and is ahead in reading and gets harder spelling tests. I love that this school makes sure the kids are being challenged even when they are ahead. He is also making friends just fine and she has no issues with classroom behavior at all. So proud of our boys!!

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