Friday, May 22, 2009

Funny Sayings

The boys are always cracking us up with the things they say and do - here is a recent sampling....
  • Carter still loves to sing - his new favorite is blues. He loves to go around singing B.B. King's Everyday I Got the Blues. His version "ebry day ebry day I got da blues". I need to put the video of him doing it up - its quite cute.
  • Like any other kid, both boys can do anything they want - if they want to do it. If they don't want to do it, all of a sudden they can't. Carter will go from pulling stuff all over the yard to telling me can't carry his plate to the sink because "its to heavy for me because I am little."
  • Tyler is the same. He will go from bucking himself into his car seat, brushing his own teeth, etc, to not being able to put his shoes on himself because "its to hard for me."
  • Tyler knows his animals very well. Being that we go to the zoo so often he hardly ever mixes animals up. Except for the porcupine - he still calls its a pine cone. He came in from outside today announcing that the pine cone had to go potty.

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