Tuesday, December 15, 2009

OT Eval

Last Wednesday Tyler had his occupational therapy evaluation. Justin got off work early so all four of us went. While I answered a sensory profile, the therapist tested him on his skills. He is at age level or above on everything she tested him on. Things like cutting, visualization skills, etc. She also though that Tyler wasn't very severe. We have noticed that in the past few weeks he seems to have been getting better as well. When we told her that we were thinking of putting him in a gymnastics class she thought that would be great. If we wanted to do therapy we could, but he doesn't necessarily need it. We told we would pass at this time and she gave us things to do at home and things to look for once he gets into school in a couple years to help him with that transition. Tyler and Carter loved playing in the Sensory gym while we were talking and they both did great during the appointment. I am glad to see how far he has come!

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