Tuesday, February 22, 2011

6 Month Appointment

On Wednesday Nolan had his 6 month appointment. He is weighing in at 16 lbs 10 oz, which is the 50th percentile, he is 26 1/4 inches, which is 45th percentile, and has a head circumference of 42.8 cm, which is the 35th percentile. The interesting part of this to me is the Nolan weighs more than Tyler or Carter did at 6 months, but is shorter than both of them. He is doing pretty well on all his assessments. He is ahead with fine and gross motor skills. He is behind on social skills however. He doesn't always look at us when we call his name (although he seems to always look when his brothers call him) and he only does low sounds (no grunts, groans, or low tones). So we will just need to monitor those and make sure he has improvement at his 9 month appointment. He also got his shots, which he did pretty well with - just cried for a few seconds. I decided to give him a flu shot (his is just barely old enough to get one) because they have been seeing a lot of positive flu cases in the last few weeks. He was pretty fussy all day Wednesday and Thursday because of them and got a 102 degree fever. By Friday however he was his happy self again. So thankful for healthy kids!

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