Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Star Wars Obsession

Tyler got some Star Wars Lego for Christmas and ever since has wanted to know more about Star Wars. So we have know watched the first two original Star Wars movies. The boys are now officially obsessed with everything Star Wars. They both have been writing out Christmas lists for next year of what they want (Carter wants a light saber and Tyler wants the X-wing fighter planes). They make light sabres out of legos to defeat the bad guys with. The other day they even asked me to play Princess Leia so they could save me. Every once in a while they get confused with names, but I am surprised how much they picked up from the plot. When we were watching the first movie and they destroyed the death star Tyler immediately noticed that Darth Vader got away and told us "but there is still one bad guy left".  While its fun to watch them play the movie out, the other part of me ha to wonder what have we gotten ourselves into.

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