Saturday, February 12, 2011

6 Months!

Nolan is your half birthday! I can't believe you are already 6 months. You "talk" all the time, love to sit up and rock back and forth, and are very ticklish. You love to sit on your blanket, play with some toys (which means chewing on them), and watch everything around you. You light up when you see your brothers and when we ask you where is mama or where is dada you look at the right one! You also give hugs now. When someone asks for a hug you will lean your head into them. This I am sure is because we are always telling your brothers to give you gentle hugs.  While you don't do it much on the ground, I know you can roll around like crazy because you are all over your crib at bedtime. You are also trying to start the process of crawling and you love to jump with mommy or daddy's help.

You have become a great sleeper.  We lay you down and walk out of the room and asleep you go by yourself. Occasionally you cry for a couple minutes, but then you will fall asleep. You still take shorter naps for the most part, however we will get one long one every few days. You go to bed around 7:30 every night and you wake up around 7 in the morning, sometime you will even got later! You are loving your solids. You get oatmeal or cereal in the morning (you really like it if I put some apples in it) and a jar of baby food at night. You have gone through all the veggies, with your favorites being sweet potatoes and carrots. However there really isn't a food you have turned down. You still drink 6-7 ounces every 4 hours.

You are always getting compliments with how happy you are. You have to be one of the happiest babies. You are always smiling or giggling and hardly ever get fussy. You are our easiest baby by far, not minding being shuffled around everywhere with your big brothers. We love you so much Nolan!

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