Tuesday, April 19, 2011


Both boys had their end of the year conferences last Thursday and they are both doing great. Tyler was up first and I was excited to hear how he was doing as some of the things he does at home now amaze us. Tyler has threes (proficient or exceeding) in all areas except for a couple. He can't always tell you the middle sound in a word and when you do syllables he tells you how many sounds are in the word, not the syllable (like dog, he would say three). He can skip now and his hand writing is great, so he is also doing fine on all gross and fine motor skills and still doing very well with his spiritual questions. He can read and his teacher is awesome so he has already learned the rules about silent e's, double vowels , and has memorized many sight words and blend sounds (or, st, ok, etc). He had some addition fact memorized and can even do simple multiplication (7 + 7+7 =21). Like I said we are amazed with what he can do. Some of the things he has learned were things I would teach my first graders. We honestly haven't even been working with him on things at home because we don't want him bored next year. However we still stand by our decision to hold him a year as he has just blossomed socially. He now asks friends to play with him and almost becomes the boss and telling them what to do. He still can gt very shy when on the spot and we know it will be quite the adjustment next year when he won't know anyone in his class, but we are so proud of how much he has grown this year!

Next up was Carter turn and he is doing great as well. His teacher commented on how intelligent he was and how he really pays attention when going over letter sounds. He has threes in every single area. For one task they had to make a three colored patterned. She asked him if she wanted to start it or if he wanted to do it. He quickly grabbed the manipulatives and did it all his own, she couldn't believe how fast he was.  One thing I noticed, but his teacher didn't think was a big deal, was at the beginning of the year he spelt his name properly )capital at the beginning and then small letters), now we writes his a and t also uppercase.  His class is more for social than academic, so he is doing great with what they worked on this year. She gave me some paper with his name on it for him to practice over the summer.  She also commented on how sweet of a boy he is and so good natured. He never really gets upset, just goes along with everything. I am glad to know he doesn't bring his drama to the classroom. He doesn't really have one single friend, just plays with everyone, mostly the boys.  All the teachers just love him and I am always being told how sweet he is. I can't wait to see him grow and learn even more next year!

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