Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Egg Hunts

Last week both boys had their egg hints at school. Tyler's was on Wednesday and Carter's was on Thursdays. It was very cold the day of Tyler's, so it didn't lat long. All the kids came out, sang "Lord I Lift Your Name on High" and then release balloons in symbolism of Jesus rising to Heaven. Then the kids each got a bag to find eggs. All the eggs were empty though, so as soon as the kids found a few they turned in their bag for a bag of candy and a book about Easter. Like I said it didn't last long, I think Tyler took maybe a minute to find his eggs.

The weather was much nicer for Carter's. The kids all did the same things, but Carter was very particular about his eggs. They couldn't be opened, and he really only wanted to find purple ones. After he found 10 eggs he turned them in got his candy and then wanted to play some. All in all it was fun for both boys and I am so glad that I get to go and see them do all these fun things!

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