Friday, July 29, 2011

38 week Appointment

Yesterday I had my 38 week appointment  and an ultrasound to measure her size. Leah was kind enough to watch the boys so Justin could join me at the appointment. Well the good news is, she is still a girl, looks very healthy, has a lot of hair on her head, and is weighing in at 7 lbs 10 ounces. So like I was thinking she will be bigger than Nolan, but not as big as Tyler and Carter. The one big surprise however is that after being head down for the past few weeks she has flipped and is breech. I am thinking she actually turned Wednesday night as on Thursday morning my stomach and her movements felt different. 
After the ultrasound we went and saw my doctor. He thinks he will be able to turn her because after three kids I have more room for her to turn (obviously since she turned on her own). However since she hasn't really been engaged in my pelvis I am still not dilated at all (only 1 cm). By this time with all the other three I was at least 2 or 3 cms.  Because of this he thinks my induction may take longer than we thought and he isn't on call the night we were planning to induce. So now the plan is to go in early on Monday the 8th. If she is head down, great we will go ahead and induce. If she isn't head down he will try to turn her and then induce me. If the turning doesn't work we will do a c-section that day.  So no matter what we should be meeting her on the 8/8/11! I will now have one more appointment as well next week. I am hoping she will be head down by then and maybe some progress as well - one can hope anyway :).

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