Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Introducing Olivia Joy!

She is here!!! Olivia Joy made her big appearance on August 4, 2001 at 6:21 pm. She weighed in at 7 pounds 5 ounces and 19 1/2 inches. She has dark blue eyes, light brown hair and is just perfect!
It all started on Thursday when I went in for my 39 week appointment.  My mom came into town the night before so she was watching all three boys for me at home. I was really hoping that she was head down and that I had made some progress, but I wasn't counting on anything. To my surprise she was head down! I was also 3 cm dilated!! My sister in law Abbi had lost her father the night before and knowing that they would wan/.need my mom's help during the services I let my doctor know that if we could have her earlier than Monday, it would be helpful and appreciated. My doctor said since she was head down and I had made progress, and because he didn't want her to flip again, he would call the hospital and tell them I was in labor and to admit me. I went home, gave my mom some instructions, grabbed my bags and my mom drove me to the hospital.

When I got there I was having some contractions but not much really going on. They set me all up with my i.v. and asked me all the admitting questions and we waited for Justin to arrive before starting the epidural. We thought my doctor would take about an hour to come in and then would break my water to get things really started, so the nurse figured just to give my my epidural now. Justin got there, I got my epidural, and the wait began. It ended up taking a lot longer as my doctor was delivering a first time mom who took about 3 hours of pushes before her baby arrived. Around 2:30 pm they started the pictocin and the doctor arrived around  3:30 to break my water. At this point I was still only 4 cm.
Leah, Marj, and Heather were so wonderful and watched the boys at our house so my mom could come and be with us during the delivery. She arrived around 1:30, so she was waiting for a while as well! Around 5 pm I started feeling my contractions and pushing the button for more pain meds with the epidural wasn't really helping. All the epidural was doing at that point was making my legs go totally numb I couldn't even wiggle my toes. They checked me and I was only at 5! I couldn't believe it. They called the anesthesiologist to come and give me some more meds since the epidural wasn't doing its job. The contractions were right on top of each other and I felt each one. The anesthesiologist finally arrived at 6 pm and gave me more meds, they checked me and I was complete and ready to push. 5 to 10 cm in 1 hour! We got everything set up and 4 pushes later out she came! My mom and Justin tell me that once her head was out she actually turned over to try to see me and gave a little squeak. Her apgars were 8/9 and she stayed with us the whole time! It was my first delivery without any issues and was just perfect! Because I got my extra pain meds so late they didn't really kick in until after the delivery. I could not move my legs at all for about 3 hours. They had to keep me in bed to go up to the mom/baby room instead of a wheelchair because I would have fallen out of the wheelchair. But if that was the only problem I will take it!
Justin went home around 10:30 and the nurses were kind enough to take care of Olivia all night in the nursery so I could rest. The boys came by the next morning with my mom and we can't believe we are now a family of 6. We love you Olivia Joy, welcome to the world baby girl!

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